

First blog post, woo!

Yesterday I spent the day in Carpinteria- (which is the cutest little beach town ever!)  Below are some pics of my outfit and accessories, before I spilled a red snow cone all over myself, that is.

Two piece sets are quickly becoming one of my favorite new trends this summer– and the fact that I got this one for under $30 makes me love it even more!

Links to all items will be at the bottom of this page!



Hat: http://www2.hm.com/en_us/productpage.0521467002.html

Set: Fashion Q

Bag: https://www.worldmarket.com/product/natural-straw-circle-crossbody-bag-with-tassel.do?sortby=ourPicks

Shoes: https://www.stevemadden.com/product/KIMMIE/242419.uts?selectedColor=BLACK