

Exciting news!

I recently partnered with the online clothing boutique, 12th Tribe! I’m so excited to be representing the brand as a social media ambassador– and i’m even more excited to be able to share special discount codes with all of you!

Head over to their website now and snag yourself something cute (like my new favorite sunnies pictured below) for 10% off using my code, DEEB10 .

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Shop this look here:




Skirt (From Urban Outfitters but no longer available)




One perk of LA’s triple digit temperatures this past week was that I finally got a chance to break out this fun set!

I bought this outfit a few months back in San Francisco, but never got a chance to wear it because of the cold weather.  Now that I’m back home from school, I was excited to finally get to wear this set on a much-needed beach day.  This cherry-printed set is perfect for summer– but not so perfect for riding a bike (I learned that the hard way).

You can get this look on sale right now from Forever 21:

Cherry Print Tube Top

Cherry Print Maxi Skirt



First blog post, woo!

Yesterday I spent the day in Carpinteria- (which is the cutest little beach town ever!)  Below are some pics of my outfit and accessories, before I spilled a red snow cone all over myself, that is.

Two piece sets are quickly becoming one of my favorite new trends this summer– and the fact that I got this one for under $30 makes me love it even more!

Links to all items will be at the bottom of this page!



Hat: http://www2.hm.com/en_us/productpage.0521467002.html

Set: Fashion Q

Bag: https://www.worldmarket.com/product/natural-straw-circle-crossbody-bag-with-tassel.do?sortby=ourPicks

Shoes: https://www.stevemadden.com/product/KIMMIE/242419.uts?selectedColor=BLACK